
Monday, February 20, 2012

Blogger alikes?

I started blogging to keep track of our lives with our girls. I read a lot of blogs.... In which some I look forward to new posts that make me smile, feel normal, or nod in agreement. And after reading lots of different blogs, I've noticed a lot.

* Some bloggers make a lot of money off of blogging and some do not. Whether it be ads posted on their Web sites or sponsored posts.

* Some bloggers are a lot alike. They write about the same things or in the same style.

* Sometimes I come across bloggers that want to be like a popular blogger without saying so. They use the same words or verbage like the popular one.

* It's important to comment back when someone leaves you a comment. Sometimes it may not be the case and I am confused by some bloggers who don't.

We are all in the same game. We like to write. We want to connect with people like ourselves. We want to share with the world how cool our lives are or how cute our kids are!

But why be someone you aren't, or copy someone with verbage or writing or ideas. I get it... Bloggers that make a lot of money are brilliant. At one point I wanted to make a lot of possible money by doing it. And then I connected with bloggers and firmed virtual friendships with them.

I found other bloggers/moms/dads that have Irish twins, twins, preclampsia, husbands that work late, SAHMs, etc. that I have connected with by a simple click. I didn't have to greet and make small talk with a mommy in the check out lane or park. I did so by googling or following other bloggers list of blogs they read.

And I am grateful. And grateful my eyes are no longer money hungry as they have found lasting e-friendships. And I just have to be myself.


  1. Amen, sister!!! That is one of the things I love about blogging...the virtual friendships I have made with people I would never have met otherwise!!

    The wanna-be's end up fading eventually. It's funny to me how many bloggers have come and gone in the time I've been blogging.

    1. Your post about the e-world inspired me and then I found a post written from one Blogger that looked exactly like a very popular Blogger and it annoyed me. ;)

  2. I agree - I've enjoyed the virtual friendships...would like to meet some of those people in person (like you and your girls). I like the real people blogs. I guess I like learning about people. Sort of the same reason I like sitting with my patients - just getting to know them.
    Keep writing for yourself and being real :)

    1. I found your comment!!!! :)

      I agree. Keep it real ... And the truth always comes out. ;)

  3. Loved your post! I've been thinking about this. My reasons for blogging have changed a little over the past year. But I'm still so grateful I'm writing down my stories and glad to be able to connect with some amazing women.

    1. Yes!!! I mean what mom doesn't want to make money from within the comforts of her home?! I'm glad you see the value in the connections. :)

  4. I just found your blog :-) You commented just above me over at ALSFM and the title of this post caught my eye!

    I agree with you on these points. Some of them took me a while to figure out because, like you, I started blogging for my kids and soon kept doing it for the great relationships I formed.

    PS- and I knew you had to have good taste since you like Helene ;-)

    1. I think I've just had that ah-ha moment and read a Blogger that was writing exactly like a very popular one. Where we are all adults, this isn't high school anymore. ;)

      So glad and happy you clicked over!!! Helene is awesome!!

  5. I have been amazed about what I've learned through other blogs. I started blogging to journal our lives (I just printed my first book of our blog), but now I love reading about other families that are similar to ours. Live isn't always perfect...especially with children so close in age. Glad to find such a wonderful network.

    1. How did your book turn out?! Thanks for commenting! :)

  6. YES!!! You are totally right. I've been consumed by bloggy guilt lately because I haven't been commenting back on blogs. That is why I'm up at 12:30 even when we have training tomorrow! I hate that I have no time in the middle of all this. Thanks for coming over :) - and I'm really glad I got to come back here.

    1. You are so sweet! Thanks for commenting, but sleep is soooo much more important. ;)

  7. No small talk is AWESOME!!!

    I'll tell you why people don't comment's not because they don't want to, it's because they get distracted by 15 million other things and totally forget. Then, before they know it, there are 456 emails in their box and it's nearly impossible. I do my best, but I really suck at it some days!
